Sunday, May 31, 2009
Google's At It Again
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Ironman Update #2
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Mean What You Say Say What You Mean
What is the real impact of this behavior? Well that will depend a couple factors
The value of the relationship because if you don't value of the relationship then u won't value the words in it either.
Do you have the courage to face fact when u look in the mirror and realize that the words your are hearing might be true?
What are your values about what other people say and listening to what they have to say ?
So my real question is why bother dealing with the individuals who you do not have the common courtesy to say thanks but no thanks to insights ?
From personal experience I am different in the sense I do listen to everything everyone has to say and it is clear that I may or may not use there insights and I still have productive relationships with them. It is unfair to the person who cares about you to just agree to agree and choose a different action it that makes what they have to say seem worthless and unvalued.
That is coming from someone who cares. I think that is the hardest part of teaching is seeing more in someone than they do. I wrote this so people could know what it feels like from the other side of the picture so often we are inside our own heads battling it out dealing with and living in situations that are really much simpler than we make them. So when we here things that question our overly complex assessment of the situation then we blow it off. Well if the person teaching you cares about you.
You blow them off as well
God Bless Amen
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Memorial Day

Saturday, May 23, 2009
10 Things You Never Learned
Ironman Update #1
Friday, May 22, 2009
Fail To Succeed
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I Don't Know
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Decisions & The Paths We Take Because Of Them.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Living The Dream
I Can So Can You
Take A Step Already
Hurdle #1. I couldn't swim not even a little at all.
Hurdle#2. I didn't have a bike nor the money to buy one.
Hurdle#3. I didn't have a plan or a way to execute one even if I had one.
Hurdle#4. Self Doubt I mean Ironman really I have never done a tri nor could I swim talk about overwhelming.
This was in January folks it is funny how all the self help books I have read all say the same thing. Get started I have to agree just start and things will work themselves out here is an example of how
I decided to start so I knew two things to begin I need a plan and place to train so I hopped online and found a free beginners tri plan (not what I wanted but it was better than nothing. Then I got a gym membership. I then followed the plan and did what it said. As I continued to work out I enjoyed it and learned to perfect my efforts and then I learned about heart rate training and drastically changed my training.
This change literally made me fall in love with what I was doing and I could not get enough this was critical because this is the point when you start deciding on how to keep this feeling. You get passionate about wanting more of the feeling u and work on creating that. Over the course of the last few months this has occurred for me.
Then the accident occurred I was rear ended and as a result my car was totaled I was lucky for two things a great bill of health and good insurance. Fast forward a month later once my claim was settled and u will find that I purchased my bike for my triathlon. Now with a bike a plan and more heart than anything you have ever seen. I have committed to taking on Kona I have a long way to go for that but needless to say I did what the morale of this post is.
I took the first step
Good Bless Amen
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Moments In Between
What if you could gain back some of it back? or get more things accomplished with the time you do have.
You can and I am gonna give you a few tips on how to maximize your time.
Read a book or magazine that helps to move you towards your goal. This accomplished by either bringing one with you or reading one at the location.
With the onslaught of technology you can use your phone to or pda to update your calendar,plan out your week,google search your research project,etc.
Write a book as the previous step mentioned pdas with QWERTY keyboards for typing abilities and backing up information you can easily crank out a few chapters of a novel.
Write and update a blog (Where do u think this is being written)
Make a friend by talking to a stranger and getting to know them.
The list goes on with what you can do with your in between time the point is do something with those hours don't just sit there doing nothing wasting those hours (added up over a lifetime) it is a loss for you and no one else.
How do you use your in between time? Post in the comment section I would love to hear the ideas out there
God Bless
Friday, May 15, 2009
Power Of Positive Thought

- Take every event that comes to you as a lesson to learn from.
- View your life with only a postive outlook.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Power Of 5 Minutes
That is not possible (well not in those exact words)
Once I realized that is was possible I realized that makes us all more powerful than we could ever imagine. One of the times u may have experienced this is when a death occurs and someone says that thing that sticks with u and becomes a belief or another example is when u have a person who feels unhappy because of how they look and what others think. Realizing this you say something that makes them feel different and it sticks long after your gone.
The wonderful thing about this knowledge is that you can capitalize on it by making your 5 minutes with people matter here's how.
Be aware of what you say because it may last a long time after your gone.
Listen to listen not to respond.
Try to say or do things that will be a benefit to the person you are talking to.
So I hope the examples help to make this something tangible I am interested to know what other examples of how 5 minutes can change u or the world.
God Bless
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
When Is Optimism Wrong
Respond to this post with your examples I would love to hear them
I will tell u there are times when I am in a situation that feels impossible and in hindsight I see the benefits. The key is there are still benefits and the sooner we can tap into them the better results we can create. And in the end isn't that what optimism means finding the value in things even when there is no immediate value to be found.
If you ask me there is always time for that
Thank. May God Bless You
Monday, May 11, 2009
What's With The Name ?

- What do I truely want and am I on track to reach this goal?
- What possible pitfall or obstacles are ahead?
- Will have company on the journey that is life?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A Change Is Gonna Come
It is my belief and hope that people will view our world differently once all of this blows over (as it has in the past), and realize the power they have to create the life and future of their dreams. Look at the countless jobs that were lost as of recently and think " I trusted someone else to my livelihood and they let me down." I know I felt this way but then I decided to think differently about the situation and I changed my actions to become more resourceful and I will be the first to say.
What if there was a better way a better option a means of true freedom,happiness,and most of all control over your future. Well I am here to tell u that there is an option and it is right within you. It is your power of choice and the endless resource between your ears called your brain. When you place those items in sync the doors of possibility spring forth and you can truly experience freedom.
It is simple in theory however now is the time to really invest in yourself and take back your life. I feel that more people are starting to realize this and we will see people stand up and take back their destiny. Because when it is all said and done your life belongs to only one person.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
To Believe or Not Believe

- If you can't afford something becomes "How can I create resources to get what I want"
- I can't do that becomes "What challenges have I overcome in the past that says I can"
- Bad things always happen to me becomes "How can I use this to make me successful in the future"
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Driver or Passenger
You are making things happen or things are happening to you.
That to me translate to who is driving your destiny,future,finances,relationships. This is a question you should truly know the answer to if u want to make strides in your life because u can't know where your going unless. you know how to get there.
One of life's constants is you everything around you may change how but u are the one thing that stays the same in every situation and how u react (or don't) will help drive your success in life. If you focus on the changes you can make in situations then u can maintain control of your life to some degree. Most people default to what is easy and say "what can I do it just happened to me" I swear that is one of the most damaging statements in the human language. It limits creativity and growth look back @ your life recently and in hindsight and see what things you could have influenced by focusing on what you could have done instead of going to the default answer.
So are you a driver or a passenger ?