That statement alone is simple common sense remember when we were kids one of the first things we were taught "You have to believe in yourself in order to succeed"
I know from my own personal experience the true power of belief due to my upbringing and challenging circumstances one of the only things I ever had was the belief that I could make it better my mother drilled this into my head with a certain level of intensity and it worked well.
So one of the quickest ways you can motivate yourself and get results is identify your true beliefs about a situation and making sure that your belief supports the goal if it does then the rest falls into place if it doesn't then you will struggle during the process. Not to say that achieving your goal would be impossible but it sure would be difficult and why work harder than you need to?
So how do you tap into this resource and maximize it ? By using your internal dialogue to ask the right questions that is how. You have to start asking your self the right questions that either confirm or show how your belief is not congruent. That's it sounds simple well it is not I challenge you to do it for a day and see the results you will be amazed.
Some of the questions you can start with are
- If you can't afford something becomes "How can I create resources to get what I want"
- I can't do that becomes "What challenges have I overcome in the past that says I can"
- Bad things always happen to me becomes "How can I use this to make me successful in the future"
The list goes one I posted a link here for more information to start you out.
Are you ready to start your journey to a better understand of you and how you can be the driver of your life well then I suggest you start your engine.
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