I have determined that we live in a world where looking at things from a positive prespective is almost taboo.
Why would that be wrong honestly?
When is a positive outlook considered wrong?
I mean I believe after my research on the subject that things are nothing more than the meaning we give them so I decided to change how I see things and take everything from a level of positive instead of negative and I seem to get a hard time from some of my peers which I understand why they would do what they do. However why not stay positive and keep making the most out of everything. I will tell the main reason why this doesn't happen is because it removes EXCUSES which is what usually people love to hide behind.
If you have to find a lesson in the events of your life then maybe you have to admit you could have done something to change a previous event. Having tough conversations is never easy but thats what makes them great is that the answers that come from them is where the jewels of knowledge lie.
I challenge you to a week of doing the following two things
- Take every event that comes to you as a lesson to learn from.
- View your life with only a postive outlook.
Then post your responses here I would love to see what impacts something as simple as this could really make our quality of lifes much more enjoyable. Which is what it is all about
God Bless
I'm reading: Power Of Positive ThoughtTweet this!
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