Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ironman Update #2

So I have come to the end of week two and man I will tell you I am proud or myself. I am in pain and recovery seems to be slow with my legs hurting to the point of not being able walk without pain. I logged close to 55 miles this week between running and biking. I learned why the the run is the equalizer of the event and I have one simple thing that I am going to help improve my odds of finishing my goal I am committing to and that is. Simply running during the entire marathon. If I can do that it will give me a competitive advantage. This little distinction can make a big difference. Why because my research shows that most people walk more of the marathon than anticipated and most Ironman newbies almost never run the full thing. It is basic and simple but that is a part of success doing the simple things well. Training Lesson-Winning is determined by the fundamentals. It is the little things we do that make all the biggest differences. Doing the basics over and over until your disgusted then doing them again is one of the greatest keys to success and I had always heard this yesterday I experienced just how much it works. So if your at a place where your looking to be greater than you are now just look at the fundamentals and focus there you will be very amazed by the results you can get by getting better at the basics. One parting thought remember the Leborn James game winning shot from the playoffs recently ? While every one was wowed did you notice he really wasn't I believe it was because of this principle for him that was probably the 5000th time that he has made such a shot.Only this time everyone was watching. Repetition is the Mother of Perfection. God Bless Amen I'm reading: Ironman Update #2Tweet this!

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