Monday, October 26, 2009

Love Bucket

Is Your Love Bucket Empty

I am sitting in the MVD the other day and there is a mother,father,and their young daughter sitting next to me. The daughter was at least 7 or 8 years old and she was being restless as to be expected it is the MVD and I overheard her say to her father.

Daddy is your love bucket empty ?

I thought it was cute when I heard that and jotted it down,however as I mediated and allowed my mind to wander on this thought I realized how true of a statement this is for some people.

Stephen Covey in his highly fabulous and extremely useful book the 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People he describes this as your emotional bank account and works just like any back account. You have to do things to invest or refill your love for others and yourself. If you were to look at your 5 closest relationships what would your answer be to this question?

What is my balance for my closest relationships ?

If it is something you don't know or if it is something that you don't like the answer to let's look at ways to start refilling and investing in our love buckets and bank accounts because there will be a day when you may need to withdraw from the bank or empty out some of the bucket. You need to make sure that you have enough left over to sustain the relationship because we know what happens when you empty the bucket or overdraw our account. In relationships this becomes resentment with a sense of feeling used and the other party not feeling like you have a true investment in the relationship.

The act of refilling however is simple and comes in many forms like the ones before.

  • Remembering the other persons favorite things and giving them a magazine article, or sending them an email of something that reminded you of them.
  • Leaving personal notes that let know you care or thanking them for something they did.
  • Remembering to call and check in during the day.
  • A nice gift because it is Wens day.
  • Spending quality time with that person.
  • Listening To Them
  • Wanting More For Them Than You Do For Yourself
  • Providing Encouragement

And the list could go on for days those are just a few examples of things that cost nothing but a fraction of time and have a huge ROI on your relationships. And that is the point how much is the other person truly worth to you and how much it is the investment worth to you ? See this is the one time where an investment pays off double for you. When you give to others the thing you give is given back to you by the universe.

When you are being love it is easy to make deposits and fill up your love bucket.

Do not want for anything when you can BE everything.

Until my next post

Namaste and God Bless.

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