Because God is Beauty, He created loveliness
in the flowers that they might speak of Him.
More than anything else in nature they hint at his presence
Paramahansa Yogananda
I can remember being a young child and loving the idea of growing flowers or maintaining planets. I use to do lots of experiments as a child (shocking) and I can remember always wonder how does a plant come out of this seed I mean it is just a seed how can transform into something greater. I would break about a seed and look for magic within but as you can imagine the magic as not inside of the seed.
Not like I expected it to be because it was there I just couldn't see it and as I grew up I detached from the wonderment of such a question and became detached from wanting to know to outcome until I recently when listening to an article from Dr Wayne Dyer who I consider to be a great teacher to me in helping the concepts I have learned and share with everyone be so easy to understand. In the tape I was listening to he answered the questions I had about planting seeds so many years ago.
Future Pull is the concept of the future of something is already inside and once aligned with the proper eliminates and only when aligned will it revel itself to us to see. So when you look at a flower the elements it needs to grow are water,sunlight, and air. See flowers don't have to really think about being a flower it just is and if they had to worry there biggest worry would be where to do I get planted so my chances for growth are optimal.
Well you are certainly more aware than a flower yet the same principles that make that flower grow can help you to manifest your desires and grow into the beauty that is you.
The elements needed to grow are simple
Alignment With Source- This is getting to understand the spirit of the universe that resides in you also known as god or various other names depending on your religious belief. This may seem like a hard step but most of us already to some degree know what it is and communicate with it. It is that feeling you get when you are told to be nice and don't why or when your satisfied from helping someone you knew needed your help. It is when you place your ego aside and all yourself to be vulnerable enough with the world to share your spirit. Now the idea is to be connected with your spirit which can come different ways for different people for me it is through meditation because when I am in that state I become the silent observer to my life and my ego is ceased and in that silence my spirit is free to be.I then know how to get back to this place when I need it because I know what it feels like and where it is located.
Thoughts-Once you have yourself aligned with source you can start planting your seeds and that is going to simply be what you think. As it states in Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. Or as I put it in my own words Our thoughts are the seeds that sow the actions that create the life we live. You are what you primarily think if you look around everything has lived twice once as a thought prior to its creation so truly know what you think will ultimately determine your outcome. So you need to have thoughts that support the source and what you want for your life positive ones, problems become challenges, everyone is a teacher,things are the way they are supposed to be. You are one with your source and it lives within you there for you are entitled to all that it has.
Vision- Once you know your thoughts manifest to reality then the next step is to see what it looks like before it happens sports teams do this all the time they see themselves winning before it happens. It allows for you to know what you expect your outcome to be. This can be done actively or while in mediation and must be done while you have s strong sense of stillness and connection to your source. I find this easiest for me when I run or swim. The other thing to realize is that with no crazy wild thoughts running thru your head you can have time to positively see the outcome of things which is a way better use of your mind than its current state of consistent worry.
Surrender To Outcome- Now when you make it this far this will step be a unique challenge letting go of outcome simply means to except whatever happens as if it is supposed to be ( which in most cases it is supposed to be). The reason I said this was hard is because when we do all the above things we have the idea that what we want is supposed to happen and that is not always the case sometimes we get a completely different result than we set out for and even though it is not what we wanted it is equally good in its own right. The trick is not to be upset but to be grateful of the lesson and experiences for it is still beautiful and valuable. See there is no losing in life unless you see loss surrendering to outcome lets you see this.
When you can do the four items in the order they are listed life will flow you right into the things you desire and help the flower or flowers that represent your life grow into the garden you have always desired.
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