Freedom is the right of all sentient beings-Optimus Prime
Growing up I wanted to be Optimus Prime so bad I mean it was a genuine thing that meant a lot to me and I would run around screaming "Autobots Rollout" at the top of my lungs. Now that you all have that visual in your head (have fun with that). If you know me personally you you know how much I love Transformers and I mean love them I collect them,play with them, share my knowledge of them and more importantly they remind me the power of manifesting and that if you have a strong enough belief in something you can have it regardless of the situation. Let me tell you a story
Growing up I was a poor kid period and I am not talking about a little poor I am talking Christmas not coming this year poor. I learned that Santa didn't make it to my part of town consistently and it was just my mother that would supply my gifts ,bless her heart she did everything she could to make me the man I am today. I saw her work herself to the bone and it seemed that she could never make ends meet no matter how hard she tried. She was my first example of one of my life long values WORK HARDER than everyone else. Yet no matter how hard she tried she could not get me everything I wanted to which I became a custom to. I did not hold any resentment to her for it nor did I feel it was her fault. However I was still a child and longed for things a child would want so one Christmas I asked for the only toy I ever wanted a G1 Optimus Prime and to my disappointment for the reasons I just stated I was unable to have it.
That moment would be a turning point in my life because it was then that I decided that I would depend on no one to do anything for me I would become self reliant and I swore I would grow up one day and have my Optimus Prime.
Fast forward to a few years ago which was prior to me learning what I know about manifesting your dreams and the power of your thoughts I was at toys r us picking up a random gift for someone and there it was the toy that I had waited 20 years for sitting in front of me. I remember thinking what is the chance of that I bought it of course and I was delighted it was like I was thrust back into time and I got to be the kid that had wanted that toy so bad so many years earlier. Now had this been the only thing that happened with Optimus the story would stop here but it wasn't see the one I purchased was not the original it was a reissue and I know what most of you might say why was I being so picky I should have been grateful. I was grateful but still I wanted the original one and when I know what I what I truly want rarely do I ever believe I will not have it well about 4 months later I was talking about Transformers with a friend of mine and he mentioned in his words " I have a box full of those old ones from the 80's" that were in his garage gathering dust and offered them to me. To my surprise
That box contained not only the original G1prime that I wanted it had about 10-20 other figures that were rare and ones that I also had wanted growing up. They were all in pristine condition with original instructions and all the pieces. For anyone who collects toys knows this is unheard of.
At the time that it was all just random luck but now looking back on it honestly with all I have learned I don't believe that to be the case anymore I believe that it was supposed to happen just the way it did so that I could do exactly what I am doing with the information I discovered. The other piece of it is that I realized there was other things that Optimus Prime had to do with my enlightenment journey one of those being his belief that he stands for.
- He is positive and always looks to win even when the situation dictates otherwise maybe thats why they call him "Optimus"
- He stands for good and justice
- He believes that all humans and robots can share life and co exist that no one is greater than another.He sees the sameness in them
- He is a principle based leader who values others above himself.
The moral of the story is this
- I guess you can find a valuable message in anything if you truly look to see it.
- If you have a knowing about something an actually knowing regardless of anything else and at some point align with the universe you will see your knowing manifest
- There is never a timeline to the things that you know you want
- Who knows I might get my wish to be like optimus after all.
Until my next posting
Namaste & God Bless
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