How important is it for you to be right ?
What does it mean for you to have won the argument ?
What have you or are you willing to sacrifice to win ?
How many relationships potentially have been lost at the price of being right?
I ask the above questions because I can say that I have lost a great deal and generated a great amount of pain from being right. I now equate being right to winning the battle and losing the war. I mean when your arguing,trying to prove your point, or you just refuse to listen to any other ideas besides your own that is exactly what your doing. You set a perception that your unreasonable and force those who come in contact with you limit that as much as possible. I mean let's face it who wants to talk to someone who is always ready to go all in to prove they are right.
Here is my take and my lesson in this behavior It does not matter if your right not to say there are times when being right is what is important. I am referring to primarily your relationships and the closer people are to you the more likely you are to try and win your point.
This is a foolish endeavor and frankly is not fair to those who are considered your family and friends. I mean their opinion of you is a holistic one (meaning they see all of you all the time) and what may seem like one instance to you may be twelve to them. So if you are someone who is guilty of this and we all are at times.
Try something different and see what happens you very well may be pleased with the results because ultimately you want to persevere the relationship which is one thing I am sure you and the other party can bot agree upon.
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