Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Gift Of Giving

As you prepare for your journey this week into the world. Take a moment to reflect on how much you have chosen to give in your life in my recent journey to grow,find myself, and my purpose this is something I have come to learn is an important part of who I am and for the longest time I was torn with dealing with my spirit, my ego, and the world we live in. I talked to my mother prior to writing this and she told me since I was young I have always been someone who enjoyed giving to others that I always shared everything I had.

When I was younger I did not understand the way of the lonely traveler and at the time the world I lived in did not reward a person for being different for seeing the world differently. Can i remember thinking as a child why can not play with that child ? See I grew up in a very racially segregated part of the US and doing things that were outside of the norm like playing with kids of another color would result in you being treated differently for being different. I never have known how to just go along even when it looked like I was internally I was struggling. I tried to conform to the world and like a boy looking outside a window at life trying to understand the world and my place in it.

Then I learned the most life changing thing for me what I was looking for was never out that window. I had to turn around and look thru my own house. I had to look inside myself as I started to do that I started to see things I remembered doing as a child that I had changed because they didn't go with the world years after growing up in a place where I felt my differences were restricted and I continued to carry this within me to adulthood. As I learn,accept, and release past beliefs to reveal myself I have learned amazing things about me one of those is the subject of this article. I have a spirt of generosity that is a huge part of me and while that flies in the face of convection within the world I know longer care. Giving to me is one of greatest things you or I can ever do.

If I had of stood my ground and never tried to conform I may not have had the experiences I enjoy sharing with anyone who would like to read it. Nor would I have grown and become the man I was supposed to be.

When I went to church last Sunday to hear the word of God I had no idea I would hear the importance of giving and the impact it has in the eyes of god. Generosity is a a simple thing that can be done by anyone at anytime and costs nothing it is free. In the bible according to Isaiah 32:8 it also is considered noble in the eyes of god which is fine but it is and never has been something I considered.

It is nothing more beautiful than giving I have listed a few things that can help you incorporate this concept into your life.

Give a Dinner To People You Care For Without A Reason

Give You Time To Talk To A Friend

Give A Compliment To A Stranger

Give Money For Good Cause.

Give Time To Yourself

Give Time To Your Children

There is only one other rule DETACH FROM OUTCOME this has to happen otherwise it will not be genuine and the meaning can be negated. It is not hard but the impact is huge a simple compliment can change a life by letting someone know you care and see them and appreciate them just as they are.

Until My Next Posting

Namaste & God Bless

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