I was listening to Rabbi Shmuley talk about the three types of love during an interview he was doing for Dr Deepak Chopra and the topic was about the future of love in our society the thoughts centered around the types of love that is needed within our own personal relationships. During the interview he stated that one of the main reasons that relationships tend to lose the spark that so often goes away after being to together for a long period of time.
In our society for the average relationships the longer you are together the more likely you are to have experienced the passion fizzle and if you haven't that is an amazing blessing. I would agree with the interview in the sense that there is a general assumption that you must sacrifice passion in a relationship but being a NLP (No Limit Person) I don't believe that at all. Now I am not in a relationship right now but trust me when I say that doesn't mean I don't know what I want and how to get there. So on that note here are some to key points from that interview.
His talks refer to men and women being fire and water and there needing to a blending of the two to soar above what is worldly and traditional. See until I started to take a journey towards my new goal of a adding no more pain to the world I searched for a partner someone who was an equal to me and could help me in my quest to build my wordly empire. This was my ultimate goal and I pushed hard to aquire it thru time and suffering but failed miserably in doing this I hurt other people thru lies,manipulation, and the use of opposites all in a effort to protect my ego. It was only thru my personal awaking that I could be open to receive the information that I now see and realize what I truly want for my personal relationships versus what I once that I should have. Those models are listed below.
The River Model which means love is like a partnership a business deal so to speak. In this model you are looking for another version of you someone who meets your requirements it reminds me of interviewing someone for a job. In ancient times this is what dynasties use to do in order increase there power. This is where at one point where I wanted to be in my relationships because I thought it was safe and would ensure a good relationship.
The Kettle Model means you can compliment each other. And coexist together like a kettle holding water over a flame. You work well together and truly compliment one another but there is nothing that makes the relationship pop it is doing what it should do moving right along. This is where the general population lives.
The Bird Model means that you counteract one another and use each other to soar above it all that you accept one another as you are not what u want each other to be. You compliment talents and use them together and rise above much like a bird who uses all its tools to fly. This is the ideal of where a relationship could be. I have decided that this is what I want out of my relationship.
The last part of the discussion was that men need the fullness of a women's love to balance out their linear thought and self. The compassion of a women's love is something that helps to keep things in balance and as a society we need to connect further to this idea and allow our connection to compassion to shine thru. I sincerely believe this is true and as we do our personal relationships can grow and as a society we can change.
As the bible teaches us it all starts with and ends with love.
Until My Next Posting
Namaste & God Bless
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