Knowledge changes everything in life I truly can say that looking back on my life every true change has happened when I have accumulated enough knowledge to challenge what someone from somewhere who told me that was what i was supposed to do. After years of formal education I expanded by ability to learn further into others including spirituality and relationships. I have learned many things in this process including the topic of this article
Your Spirit Needs Relationships To Grow
When I first heard that I was frustrated because why would I ever think I truly need other people to make me better I have never relied on the good opinion of others if I didn't believe them. As I deepened my knowledge I would learn the following concepts.
- I am not my thoughts and within me is my spirit and it is independent of ego.
- Ego is form based,never satisfied, and does everything it can to protect itself
- I was an extremely ego dominated person
Once I learned the three things above I learned to listen to what my spirit tells me instead of what my ego did and I noticed the difference which could be different for everyone but for me it was hearing the emotion behind every conversation. When I learned what my ego sounded like versus the desire to do the right thing I began to see others much differently. This is what lead me to my next finding
Whenever I would interact with others there would be times when things would get my ego flared up and then it hit me The Way I React To Others is a good indication of things within me that I need to work on for example if I am in a conversation and I begin to get defensive when getting feedback on something I began to ask myself WHY ?
In personal relationships this multiplies 10 fold because they are the closest to you. Everyones partner has that thing that bugs them from leaving clothes on the floor to drinking milk out of the carton. Have you ever wondered the validity of those statements In the past my ego put me in the defensive against those moments as I am sure you may have experienced. I now know my partner was right and had I accepted some of that knowledge I would have grown further in my relationship instead I allowed my ego to guide my decisions not my spirit and my heart.
Since changing the frame on how I see this topic let me say I have a burning passion to interact with everyone because I see everyone with more value if I can learn about me from how I interact with others there is so much good for both them and I. I now listen at a different level with my own feelings being monitored I am open to truly give back more to people, and when our conversation ends we both can feel satisfied. I am not saying to take others opinions I am saying take your own opinion around why you responded the way you did when you can answer that you will see the thing that you can work on, compare it with your own personal past and if it is true you can change it.
We truly need each other in this journey called life everyone is valuable every interaction is an opportunity for you to be better than you were before it took place which is a concept I love to embrace.
Until my next post
Namaste & God Bless
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