Recently I have taken on a very interesting challenge I have made a personal commitment to minimizing and removing additional pain from my life and the lives of those that I interact with. This decision is part of a greater picture. To most people what I just said is a very daunting challenge and I totally understand why it feels impossible because I understand the level of thinking that the collective majority resides in. I use to reside their too and I never felt to bad about it because it is not until you realize their is a better way, a different perspective can you begin to look for a different way.
How does something like this happen?
It happens with pain once you reach a certain level of suffering or pain depending on your word choice you snap something in you gives way and forms a decision making point and a choice will be made that will change how you view life forever. This can be either a positive or negative choice which is the subject of an entirely different conversation but a choice is made.
So knowing that you have to have a enough pain in your life to change anything also know that is not the only way to create change you can use your awareness and just make a choice which sounds so easy right ? It isn't not even when you know you should. Understand there is nothing wrong with any of this or with you and how you feel about it. If you are looking for more balance in your life though this is one way of getting that.
So here is what I am doing to stop adding to the cycle of pain that is in my life.
Acceptance Of Life Situations
Expanding My Personal Understanding of Me.
When you accept life situations for what they are which is a situation you are having in your life and allow them to be just that a situation you can learn and gather information from it removes resistance and allows for you to approach things from a place of understand and clarity which is needed to create a positive outcome. You also eliminate energy loss caused by resisting what is. The second concept of oneness is simple everyone is the same we may have different forms but what is inside is all the same and while some people use emotions and reactions that you may not they still have the same emotions and reactions that you have and when you remove the vail that separates you from them you allow compassion in. The last piece is the hardest of the three it is understanding why and what causes you to react the way you do to people,and life situations. See our reactions to things are a great indicator of our own personal fears,insecurities,issues, etc. It is usually a reflection of our own conflict about a situation the more you know why you are feeling the way you do when you react to people or things the easier it will be to remove the resistance that blocks the love,compassion. With resistance gone so shall pain be removed and your more likely to make choices that generate as minimal pain as possible.
I plan on none of this being easy but I feel that it is a step in the direction of making my life better and making the lives of those around me better and that makes it all worth it.
Until my next post
Namaste, God Bless
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