Friday, June 19, 2009

Choices and Consequences

You can choose your actions, or you can choose your consequences, but you can’t choose both.

How defining is that for a statement when I read it I realized that single thought is something that is rarely considered. I mean when we deal with situations common sense tells us that there will be a result based off what we have done.

This was a lesson we first learned as children when we touched a hot stove and found out that it was hot.

Well the initial statement takes it a step further so using our previous example it would mean that.

I could choose to touch the hot stove and be ok with the pain, or I can touch the hot stove and respond negatively but I can't do both at the same time. The second option would be counterproductive in my opinion anyway. The realization of this information does have some real value however because you can learn to find comfort in your choices. For example if you choose to change your actions when your trying to complete a deadline and structure things accordingly then you can feel comfortable with the possible outcome in advance. Now if you go the consequence route then you can slack off and cram towards the end and hope your results are what is needed.

The point is there is not a need to stress about it because you it is a choice and if you make it in advance then you can take the pressure off yourself about it. Less pressure equals less stress which equals a better overall quality of life. Get where I am going with this?

So stop make a decision early and enjoy the process.

Until my next post god bless and good luck.

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