Friday, June 12, 2009

The Art Of Giving

So I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone about the benefits of giving. I know we have heard this time and time again but I have recently gotten to a point in my life where I wanted to start living this more to see if the law of attraction really worked in my favor. Well after a week of creating giving situations I did manage to find that it does truly work and now I daily look for ways to give. I have listed 10 easy ways for you to do this try it for the week and see what happens.

  1. Help out a friend give them a few moments of your day.
  2. Give advice to someone who is in need of it
  3. Give the homeless guy who ask for money some spare change ( you will get back 10 times what you give)
  4. Give your partner a gesture of love ( a note, a passionate kiss, flowers)
  5. Slow down and give a few minutes to your children and be interested in only what they want
  6. Volunteer to help out a church,youth organization, or somewhere where your skill set could be of use.
  7. Take something that you no longer use and give it to someone who can find value in it
  8. Having a giving sale instead of a yard sale give away items you are no longer in need of.
  9. Donate money to a local charity.
  10. Talk to a stranger and be friendly and polite the gift of a smile goes a long way.
There is only one rule to this whole idea make sure that you have no expectation for the outcome when you give. You must give and be open to whatever the result and if you do that I can promise you that you will get a good result. Now it may not come directly from the person you give to but you will be blessed for your efforts.

Until My Next Post God Bless & Good Luck

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