Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ironman Update #3

So I am three weeks into this and this is the hardest of the 3 for me and not because of the training. See it does not feel new anymore so the routine is starting to get boring. Now I know right out the gate this is bad so I started to change my state by asking better questions till my frame about the situation is back on track where it needs to be. Afterwards I was not satisfied with just refocusing I wanted to know why the feeling even occurred in the first place and the answer I found was simple I am physically getting use to the training this week,because it was a repeat of week one and knowing that made me lose some interest because I had already done what was being asked of me before and it was not knew. Well I took that a step further and instead of getting excited by the challenge of a new week (by the way week four may have me reconsidering this) I decided to make the situation that I saw as boring interesting by making it more challenging. I pushed myself to go further faster & just a little harder than I needed to. The result was a much more empowering experience I also had to remember not to go to hard as the program was designed allow some recovery. So it was this real time adjustments that I made this week that truly made all the difference this week and helped me learn more about my training and myself.

Until next post God Bless Amen

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