Saturday, June 20, 2009


Today was one of those days that come along ever so often. You know them they are the days when you feel that you are getting things accomplished ,creating the results you choose and it is all happening without you even knowing it. Anytime we have a day like this or a few days like this it is so empowering that there is an inital need to relax or rest on our laurels.

That is where our senses take over and we must fight or natural tendency to enjoy comfort. One way of doing this is by changing our frame of focus from working for comfort to working for CANI. Now I do need to let you all know this is not my word nor did I create it. It came from Anthony Robbins who is my unoffical mentor. His perspective is one that seems to resonate with me. (much like I hope mine does for you)The word means Constient and Neverending Improvement and I can tell there is tremendous value in having this be your frame of reference to come from.

We live in a time when the only thing that is constant is change. The problem is how many people like change ? Well in my interactions I would say not many at all and there energy and focus becomes the fact that they don't want to change and resistance is built around this idea. What would happen if that resistance became an opportunity for CANI? Well my guess would be the result I see in my life less stress,growth, and opportunity at every corner. Isn't that a better perspective to have? I can only speak from my experience and I would say that it is a great one because with all the information that we get in our life it can feel overwhelming so why not get an advantage and even the playing field by making use of all the stuff that is gonna come your way anyway.

What is the worst that could happen it might work and make your life better ?

Start off small take a day and focus on learning and improving and see if it feels better than when you just go thru feeling inundated with life.

Change you rules for life and change your life.

Until my next post God Bless and Good Luck.

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