Knowledge is one of the main eliminators of fear meaning we fear what we don't know based off of our preconceptions well when you challenge that with knowledge you eliminate part of the fear and in some cases all of it.
The reason I started off this article in this way is simple the majority of people have a fear of their mind and don't even know it they walk around feeling powerless to the world that is around them. I am here to debunk that myth you have all the power you will ever need right in-between your ears. The problem is not that you don't have what you need it is that you don't know how to control your state of mind on your demand it happens to you daily but from outside sources.
One of the easiest reference points for this is advertising is it a coincidence that certain products make you feel a advertiser certain way? No but most likely until now this has not been pointed out to you. Advertisers know more about the way your brain works than you do and actually use that to their advantage,but what if you became your own advertiser?
For an example of exactly how your brain can focus and manifest things I want you to do the following
- Close your eyes (after reading the rest of the instructions)
- Open your eyes and find 10 red things in the room your in.
- Now do the same thing with the colors blue and green.
So you should now know at least your brain can help you to see the things you want if you direct it to. So let's make this a little more practical by giving you some information on how your brain filters things. The main source for filtering is based of two concepts pleasure and pain. At the root of all of your choices are those motives. You are looking to get pleasure and avoid pain.
Lastly you have to perform key actions that will result in the state of mind you are in at any given moment. If your sad there are factors that go into making you sad as it is not a disease you catch. When was the last time someone told you that they were having a case of sadness ? and it should be cleared in a week or so. they haven't because that doesn't make sense to do that.
So here are three things to better mind control
- The power of focus you can change how you feel by changing what you focus on.
- Pleasure and Pain are always your underling motives for why you choose to do something
- What actions go into your state of mind at any given moment?
Until next post God Bless and Good Luck
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