Monday, June 29, 2009

Ironman Update# 6

6 weeks later it is hard for me to believe that I have gotten this far in the process but I have and here I am. There were a few lessons I learned this week. Frustration should never stop your goals although sometimes we still let that happen. Here is my example of such a case the day I received my lodging information for my full Ironman in Utah I also found that open registration was closed and I would have to enter on a charity basis which is 1100 dollar entry fee. Needless to say I don't have that so I started thinking about my backup plan. There are no more full state side and I don't want to travel half way around world. I opted to do a half ironman also known as an Ironman 70.3 disheartened I received perspective about why doing a half is just as rewarding as a full. In reveiwing the details of the 70.3 I found out a bit of information that was rather encouraging and that information was that the race I am entering is a qualifing race for Ironman Kona (championship). Not only that my entire training program has been for a full Ironman so in continuing I am overtraining for the actually event leaving me better odds of winning. So I registered for my event and I learned that I can go further than I thought I could and even though it is not what I pictured the outcome is what I want.

So when things suck, get hard, you get tired, and you feel that you have no more left then your breakthrough is right in front of you. Give yourself 5 more minutes you might be amazed at how much momentum that can generate. That simple action forces you into a place of working a little harder and if you continue it will restart your momentum and that is what is needed to get you to complete your goals.

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