Saturday, June 13, 2009

Law Number 1 (A Definite Chief Aim)

According to the book 95% of the world is aimlessly drifting through life,without the slightest conception of the work of which they are best fitted, and with no conception whatsoever of even the need of such a thing as a definite chief aim. Which leads to my post on his subject.

This first law that I am going to discuss is a definite chief aim is simple in it's concepts. It means to make sure that you have a end result that you focus on and use as your guiding force to becoming successful. That is the reason I started writing this blog because I wanted it to be a starting place towards someone's Definite Chief Aim hence the name of the site. I mean this lesson of all the lessons to me is one of the easiest. It almost seems like it is over simplification and to some degree it might be but that is what we need sometimes in order to do things that mean the most to us. So when you mention this to most people they look at you rather strange however most do not have a clear idea of what their actions are going to get them or that they can choose a different outcome. The first rule of this is simple

Know What Your Actions Are Getting You because in knowing this it helps you to see if they align you with your goal or in the case of this post your definite chief aim.

Now the first rule is really on simple if you already know what your striving for so in a effort to help you figure that out below are some questions that can be asked to help you get there .

When this is over what would I like to see?

What do I want truly want in my life?

  • If today was my last day alive am I content?
  • What was the last thing I loved doing?

Do I know where things in my life are going?

  • Do I like where they are going?
  • What could I do to course correct?

This is just a sample of what is in the world overall though the idea is simple before you start any time of project you know what your getting and the clearer this is the greater your success can and will be.

In the next Lesson you will get an overview of the power of Self Confidence
Until my next post God Bless & Good Luck
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