The video says it all having read the book it makes my life list ( a list of books that need to be read in one's life) and I wanted to share it with everyone. The author seems nice to boot and if you want to follow him on twitter you can do so here.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Ironman Update# 6
6 weeks later it is hard for me to believe that I have gotten this far in the process but I have and here I am. There were a few lessons I learned this week. Frustration should never stop your goals although sometimes we still let that happen. Here is my example of such a case the day I received my lodging information for my full Ironman in Utah I also found that open registration was closed and I would have to enter on a charity basis which is 1100 dollar entry fee. Needless to say I don't have that so I started thinking about my backup plan. There are no more full state side and I don't want to travel half way around world. I opted to do a half ironman also known as an Ironman 70.3 disheartened I received perspective about why doing a half is just as rewarding as a full. In reveiwing the details of the 70.3 I found out a bit of information that was rather encouraging and that information was that the race I am entering is a qualifing race for Ironman Kona (championship). Not only that my entire training program has been for a full Ironman so in continuing I am overtraining for the actually event leaving me better odds of winning. So I registered for my event and I learned that I can go further than I thought I could and even though it is not what I pictured the outcome is what I want.
So when things suck, get hard, you get tired, and you feel that you have no more left then your breakthrough is right in front of you. Give yourself 5 more minutes you might be amazed at how much momentum that can generate. That simple action forces you into a place of working a little harder and if you continue it will restart your momentum and that is what is needed to get you to complete your goals.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Perception & Principles
What is it about this concept that seems to hang us up? We have always known the glass is either half empty or half full. Yet when situations cross our path we fail to truly employ this power to its fullest. We see it for the worst and knowing that we are what we think this becomes exponential.
I am not above this fact even though I know better however I am currently working on pattern interrupts
Like if can't I must by linking those words together I immediately force myself to go further by doing things I think I can't (by the way I can do them).
Also it is asking myself better questions like what else could this mean or how could I better use this to my advantage?
The other thing that we fail to realize is that there are principles that govern these the correct type of behavior. For example no matter what if your are a fair,honest,and loving person you will get back from the world what you put out. It is understanding principles and placing faith in those that allows you to really look at any situation and find the positive perspective in it.
It is still a choice as with everything else in our lives we choose to like or don't like, do or don't do, feel or don't feel, react or don't react. So the next time you are faced with a situation you may not like choose to focus on a benefit for yourself or choose anyway you would like. The power to choose is yours and also that god rewards growth as stated in 1 Corinthians 3:7-8 So neither he who plants nor he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor For we are God's fellow workers
Until next post God Bless and Good Luck
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Ironman Update# 5
Where did the week go ? Quickly by would be my first guess. This week was the most challenging of all the weeks with the exception of the first week and I will tell you the biggest challenge was pushing thru the pain (recovery) which is key because the faster you recover the more you can take ( that is the general idea) and the more you grow. I think that is a good example of how resilience works right ? I mean if you apply this to your daily life the more trials and tribulations that you encounter and overcome the easier things become I mean honestly that is the reason for challenges they force us to stretch and become better than we were before. That is the reason I am training for IRONMAN because if I can handle that my day to day life should be a little easier. I also call this changing your threshold because once you have gone past a certain point then it is easier to get there next time. Well that is what I learned from this week of training. I also learned the importance of rest cycles because my body was tasked more than it was use to and I needed more sleep to make sure that my life activities did not suffer.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Today was one of those days that come along ever so often. You know them they are the days when you feel that you are getting things accomplished ,creating the results you choose and it is all happening without you even knowing it. Anytime we have a day like this or a few days like this it is so empowering that there is an inital need to relax or rest on our laurels.
That is where our senses take over and we must fight or natural tendency to enjoy comfort. One way of doing this is by changing our frame of focus from working for comfort to working for CANI. Now I do need to let you all know this is not my word nor did I create it. It came from Anthony Robbins who is my unoffical mentor. His perspective is one that seems to resonate with me. (much like I hope mine does for you)The word means Constient and Neverending Improvement and I can tell there is tremendous value in having this be your frame of reference to come from.
We live in a time when the only thing that is constant is change. The problem is how many people like change ? Well in my interactions I would say not many at all and there energy and focus becomes the fact that they don't want to change and resistance is built around this idea. What would happen if that resistance became an opportunity for CANI? Well my guess would be the result I see in my life less stress,growth, and opportunity at every corner. Isn't that a better perspective to have? I can only speak from my experience and I would say that it is a great one because with all the information that we get in our life it can feel overwhelming so why not get an advantage and even the playing field by making use of all the stuff that is gonna come your way anyway.
What is the worst that could happen it might work and make your life better ?
Start off small take a day and focus on learning and improving and see if it feels better than when you just go thru feeling inundated with life.
Change you rules for life and change your life.
Until my next post God Bless and Good Luck.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Choices and Consequences
You can choose your actions, or you can choose your consequences, but you can’t choose both.
How defining is that for a statement when I read it I realized that single thought is something that is rarely considered. I mean when we deal with situations common sense tells us that there will be a result based off what we have done.
This was a lesson we first learned as children when we touched a hot stove and found out that it was hot.
Well the initial statement takes it a step further so using our previous example it would mean that.
I could choose to touch the hot stove and be ok with the pain, or I can touch the hot stove and respond negatively but I can't do both at the same time. The second option would be counterproductive in my opinion anyway. The realization of this information does have some real value however because you can learn to find comfort in your choices. For example if you choose to change your actions when your trying to complete a deadline and structure things accordingly then you can feel comfortable with the possible outcome in advance. Now if you go the consequence route then you can slack off and cram towards the end and hope your results are what is needed.
The point is there is not a need to stress about it because you it is a choice and if you make it in advance then you can take the pressure off yourself about it. Less pressure equals less stress which equals a better overall quality of life. Get where I am going with this?
So stop make a decision early and enjoy the process.
Until my next post god bless and good luck.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ironman Update# 4
So I finished a full month of training and let me tell you it that it has been an interesting and surprising month. When I reflect back on what I have realized one thing and it remains at the fore front this week.
We do not notice or realize the progress that we have made when we are involved in the process.
I say this because even though I am tracking my data and doing this everyday I could not feel my progress until my training schedule required me to redo Week One's training this week . Talk about a large difference I barely even felt last week it went by in such a blur. Which is the lesson I want to pass on to you when your in the middle of any project, or goal you may be trying to accomplish make sure you find a way to measure your success that positively motivates you. I mean how good do you think it felt for me when I could literally feel the changes my body has under gone ? Answer very good it was enough to fuel me for this week which is my hardest to date. So my question to you is this
When was the last time you had this and why not ?
Don't you owe it to yourself to get this feeling in someway? I would have to say yes I mean why not what else are you doing right now other than what you were doing yesterday getting the same thing you have gotten for days, weeks, months on end. Change comes in the small things we do daily that equal something really large when you look back on it in a week, month, or year. Today is your day get up get out and make something different today. This is also phrased in a simple statement (which i have tattooed on my right arm)
Carpe Diem which translates to Seize The Day
Your life is a series of days added up and it is hard to notice the things happening today are gonna one day add up to all that you are it is your personal responsibility to make sure you give yourself the best version of you that there is.
So that is what I learned last week and in training over the course of the last month. As for training I am into day 3 of week 5 and the intensity just went up a notch.
Until my next post
God Bless and Good Luck
Monday, June 15, 2009
Listen Up

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Law Number 1 (A Definite Chief Aim)
According to the book 95% of the world is aimlessly drifting through life,without the slightest conception of the work of which they are best fitted, and with no conception whatsoever of even the need of such a thing as a definite chief aim. Which leads to my post on his subject.
This first law that I am going to discuss is a definite chief aim is simple in it's concepts. It means to make sure that you have a end result that you focus on and use as your guiding force to becoming successful. That is the reason I started writing this blog because I wanted it to be a starting place towards someone's Definite Chief Aim hence the name of the site. I mean this lesson of all the lessons to me is one of the easiest. It almost seems like it is over simplification and to some degree it might be but that is what we need sometimes in order to do things that mean the most to us. So when you mention this to most people they look at you rather strange however most do not have a clear idea of what their actions are going to get them or that they can choose a different outcome. The first rule of this is simple
Know What Your Actions Are Getting You because in knowing this it helps you to see if they align you with your goal or in the case of this post your definite chief aim.
Now the first rule is really on simple if you already know what your striving for so in a effort to help you figure that out below are some questions that can be asked to help you get there .
When this is over what would I like to see?
What do I want truly want in my life?
- If today was my last day alive am I content?
- What was the last thing I loved doing?
Do I know where things in my life are going?
- Do I like where they are going?
- What could I do to course correct?
This is just a sample of what is in the world overall though the idea is simple before you start any time of project you know what your getting and the clearer this is the greater your success can and will be.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Art Of Giving
So I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone about the benefits of giving. I know we have heard this time and time again but I have recently gotten to a point in my life where I wanted to start living this more to see if the law of attraction really worked in my favor. Well after a week of creating giving situations I did manage to find that it does truly work and now I daily look for ways to give. I have listed 10 easy ways for you to do this try it for the week and see what happens.
- Help out a friend give them a few moments of your day.
- Give advice to someone who is in need of it
- Give the homeless guy who ask for money some spare change ( you will get back 10 times what you give)
- Give your partner a gesture of love ( a note, a passionate kiss, flowers)
- Slow down and give a few minutes to your children and be interested in only what they want
- Volunteer to help out a church,youth organization, or somewhere where your skill set could be of use.
- Take something that you no longer use and give it to someone who can find value in it
- Having a giving sale instead of a yard sale give away items you are no longer in need of.
- Donate money to a local charity.
- Talk to a stranger and be friendly and polite the gift of a smile goes a long way.
Until My Next Post God Bless & Good Luck
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ironman Update #3
So I am three weeks into this and this is the hardest of the 3 for me and not because of the training. See it does not feel new anymore so the routine is starting to get boring. Now I know right out the gate this is bad so I started to change my state by asking better questions till my frame about the situation is back on track where it needs to be. Afterwards I was not satisfied with just refocusing I wanted to know why the feeling even occurred in the first place and the answer I found was simple I am physically getting use to the training this week,because it was a repeat of week one and knowing that made me lose some interest because I had already done what was being asked of me before and it was not knew. Well I took that a step further and instead of getting excited by the challenge of a new week (by the way week four may have me reconsidering this) I decided to make the situation that I saw as boring interesting by making it more challenging. I pushed myself to go further faster & just a little harder than I needed to. The result was a much more empowering experience I also had to remember not to go to hard as the program was designed allow some recovery. So it was this real time adjustments that I made this week that truly made all the difference this week and helped me learn more about my training and myself.
Until next post God Bless Amen
Sunday, June 7, 2009
God Lives Within You
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Mind Control Get Some

Knowledge is one of the main eliminators of fear meaning we fear what we don't know based off of our preconceptions well when you challenge that with knowledge you eliminate part of the fear and in some cases all of it.
The reason I started off this article in this way is simple the majority of people have a fear of their mind and don't even know it they walk around feeling powerless to the world that is around them. I am here to debunk that myth you have all the power you will ever need right in-between your ears. The problem is not that you don't have what you need it is that you don't know how to control your state of mind on your demand it happens to you daily but from outside sources.
One of the easiest reference points for this is advertising is it a coincidence that certain products make you feel a advertiser certain way? No but most likely until now this has not been pointed out to you. Advertisers know more about the way your brain works than you do and actually use that to their advantage,but what if you became your own advertiser?
For an example of exactly how your brain can focus and manifest things I want you to do the following
- Close your eyes (after reading the rest of the instructions)
- Open your eyes and find 10 red things in the room your in.
- Now do the same thing with the colors blue and green.
So you should now know at least your brain can help you to see the things you want if you direct it to. So let's make this a little more practical by giving you some information on how your brain filters things. The main source for filtering is based of two concepts pleasure and pain. At the root of all of your choices are those motives. You are looking to get pleasure and avoid pain.
Lastly you have to perform key actions that will result in the state of mind you are in at any given moment. If your sad there are factors that go into making you sad as it is not a disease you catch. When was the last time someone told you that they were having a case of sadness ? and it should be cleared in a week or so. they haven't because that doesn't make sense to do that.
So here are three things to better mind control
- The power of focus you can change how you feel by changing what you focus on.
- Pleasure and Pain are always your underling motives for why you choose to do something
- What actions go into your state of mind at any given moment?
Until next post God Bless and Good Luck
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Magic Number for Staying Alive
So lately I have been reading a book called the Survivors Club by Ben Sherwood
The book is about what it takes to survive and funny enough it starts with thinking that you can live. Again another testimony to the power of your thoughts. below is an interesting number that I thought I would share with you if you want to know more check out the link above and find out not only how to live but what is your survival personality type.
98.6 is the first magic number that needs to be known. It is your core body temperature and should never be loss. It must remain at that exact number in order for you to survive.
The next number is the Rule of 3 and it states you cannot survive:3 seconds without spirit and hope
3 minutes without air
3 hours without shelter in extreme conditions
3 days without water
3 weeks without food
3 months without companionship or love
Well there you have it. When I look at the numbers it seems very simple and familiar I did not expect companionship and love to make the list but after some thought I understand why. This by no means is the end all be all but is interesting to know.